Claudia C. Gonzalez, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Thompson Rivers University

Research Interests: My current research interests focus in the area of neurocognitive aging. My aim is to understand the neurological and cognitive changes that occur with aging and whether these changes protect or lead to neurological diseases. For this I use a variety of techniques to link brain function (fNIRS, fMRI, TMS) with behaviour (e.g., eye tracking).
Areas: Cognitive psychology, aging, cognitive decline, behavioural science, eye tracking, neuroimaging, fNIRS, TMS, fMRI, motor control
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other links: ResearchGate LinkedIn TRU Google
i) B.Eng in Biomedical Engineering, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico
ii) MSc in Motor behaviour and control, McMaster University, Canada
iii) PhD in Psychology, University of Leeds, UK
Top publications:
- Gonzalez C, Ranchod S, Rakobowchuk M (2024) Using multivariate partial least squares on fNIRS data to examine load-dependent brain-behaviour relationships in aging. PLOS ONE 19(10): e0312109.
- Ranchod S, Rakobowchuk M, Gonzalez C (2023). Distinct age-related brain activity patterns in the prefrontal cortex when increasing cognitive load: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. PLOS ONE 18(12): e0293394.
- Gonzalez C.C., and Burke M.R. Motor Sequence learning in the Brain: the Long and Short of it. Neuroscience (2018). 389(1):85-98.
- Gonzalez C.C., Causer J., Grey M.J., Humphreys G., Miall, R.C., and Williams A.M. Investigations into experts Quiet Eye using field and laboratory based tasks. Exp.Brain.Res. 2017. 235(9):2843-2855
Languages: English & Spanish
Teaching: Intro to Psychology (PSYC 1210); Human Neuropsychology (PSYC 3390); Health Psychology (PSYC 3140) and Capstone (PSYC 4280)